Students debate the validity of famous myths

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Bigfoot is a popular American legend.

For centuries, people have entertained themselves by sharing legends with spooky origins and compelling twists. While these myths are thrilling to hear, many people question how true they really are.

One of the most famous North American myths is the one of Bigfoot or Sasquatch.

A Bigfoot is commonly described as big (7-10 feet tall,) hairy, and human-like. A Bigfoot seems like a cross between a bear and a human, with an upward stance and mysterious habits.

The most well-known sighting of a Sasquatch was documented in what is now called the Patterson-Gimlin film.  The footage was shot in 1967 by filmmakers Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin. The film runs for nearly one minute and supposedly depicts a Bigfoot walking along Bluff Creek in northern California.

The Sasquatch has been an elusive creature in North American folklore for hundreds of years. The earliest sightings date back to the 1700s, where the ambiguous Bigfoot started popping up in Native American folklore.

Senior Phillip Stites believes there is enough evidence to support the legend of Bigfoot.

“I do believe that Bigfoot exists with all of the sightings and experiences people had,” Stites said. “Plus, the fact that there are many places he could be, there must be something out there.”

Most cultures around the world have stories about ghosts, spirits, and apparitions. While each legend has its own unique twist, they all center around the fact that there could be a life after death.

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Haunted houses are perfect locations for investigators to try to make contact with ghosts.

Some cultures celebrate life after death, while others see spirits as malicious visitors with unfinished earthly business.

Some people believe there are obvious signs when it comes to detecting a ghost’s presence, like an odd feeling or peculiar shadows.

Most paranormal investigators say a ghost may be present if a certain spot feels especially cold, doors randomly open or shut, or you can hear voices in a known deserted area.

There are so many locations dubbed as haunted around the globe that there are many TV shows dedicated to the investigation of the paranormal.

These shows include fan favorites like “Ghost Hunters,” and “Ghost Adventures,” which both focus on paranormal investigators trying to make contact with spirits in haunted sites.

Claudia Moore, junior, is a skeptic of life after death and thinks the shows that depict ghosts aren’t televising the truth.

“I feel that if ghosts or apparitions were actually real, there would be some sort of evidence to show their existence,” Moore said. “I believe that ghost shows are for sure lying because it’s a profitable business.”

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The UFO incident of Roswell (1947) resulted in alleged alien autopsies.

Many international mysteries revolve around the idea of alien existence. When people think of aliens, they think of the little green men with big heads and skinny limbs.

The concept of aliens has been an elusive idea for centuries. Throughout time, people have said they’ve had encounters with other worldly beings and they’ve noted how strange and peculiar the aliens seemed.

Heather McNeill, junior, believes in the existence of aliens.

“I believe in aliens because I believe there is other life than just us,” McNeill said. “There’s evidence and proof everywhere.”