Students prepare for SAT with Wednesday prep classes

Attendees can win raffle prizes


IMAGE / Lauren Richardson

Students in Mr. Paul Adas’ junior AP English class work on SAT review. The students in the forefront are Kassidy Krist (left), Neil Kagerer, and William Spielmaker.

If you are a junior in fear of the SAT, KHS has a solution for you.

The school’s SAT Prep started Wednesday, March 9, to help juniors overcome the test that so many of them worry about.

It takes place every Wednesday after school for the month of March from 2:30-4:30. Snacks are included.

Many juniors attended the first SAT Prep: reading practice.

Brittney Dick and Sidney Wager are among some of the juniors that attended. They both feel strongly about how helpful these classes are.

Dick felt the class gave her some insight about the test.

“I think the practice portion of the class was very helpful,” Dick said. “I got to get an idea of what the writing portion was going to look like and actually felt how pressured we are for time when having to take this test.”

Wager also enjoyed attending and felt she took a few tips home with her.

“It went well,” Wager said. “The time flew by, and there were a few ideas that I have not even thought about that will help me when actually taking the SAT.”

Both girls feel the teachers prepared for the prep class as best they could and believe their scores will improve on the actual SAT.

“These classes will definitely improve my score, especially because they made it easy to understand with videos,” Wager said. “The teachers did what they could based off their knowledge of the test within the two hours. Even though it is a new test, the strategies while taking it are the same, so they have a good idea of what to teach us.”

Principle Brian Wiskur has helped to design these classes to greatly benefit us juniors.

He believes the prep classes are crucial when preparing for the SAT.

Last year’s data shows that students who attended the prep classes improved at least two points or more on the ACT.

— Mr. Brian Wiskur, principal

“Even though the teachers have been hitting this stuff really hard, you’re going to get different knowledge on these nights, and the more you get, the better off you’ll be,” Wiskur said.

“Last year’s data shows that students who attended the prep classes improved at least two points or more on the ACT, but we do not have data yet for the SAT because the juniors are the guinea pigs this year,” he said.

Wiskur also threw in a little incentive to get students to attend: a raffle.

“If you stay the entire two hours of the class we are giving away raffle tickets,” Wiskur said. “Then we are holding a drawing at the very end of all this. The winner could receive Applebee’s coupons or even an iPad.”

If you are interested in potentially increasing your score, along with potentially winning a raffle, these classes are strongly recommended.

Dick feels all juniors should attend.

“I recommend all juniors and every underclassman when it is their time to take the classes because the only thing it can possibly do is improve your score on the SAT,” Dick said.

The upcoming classes are scheduled as follow:

March 16, Writing
March 23, Math
March 30, Grammar

Good luck, juniors. The teachers hope to see you there.