Seniors, make your final weeks count


Hannah Coon

Senior year seems to be dragging on.

As the days go on, we become less eager for graduation, but more eager to finally be done with high school.

We begin to lose friends, motivation, and interest in activities.

Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to boost your spirits.

Start a countdown

At this point, it may not seem like there is anything exciting about senior year other than finally graduating, but that is not true.

There are several things closer than graduation to look forward to.

Spring break, prom, the last day for seniors, Class Day, and graduation are all events we all cannot wait for.

Get a job

This may seem like the opposite of what you are interested in doing at this point, but it could make the time pass quicker.

During the week or on the weekends if you are just hanging out doing nothing, the days will drag on.

Getting a job will not only give you something to do, it will also result in a paycheck.

Do your homework as soon as you get home

I know it makes you miserable, but if you get it done and over with you will have the rest of the day or weekend to relax.

It does take commitment, but the more you do it the more you fall into a routine.

We may only have a few months left of high school, but several of us are continuing our schooling.

Go on college tours

This may scare some of us, but college will be an exciting change in our lives.

College tours help give you motivation to make it through the next few months since you know what you have to look forward to.

Make time for your friends

The best way to pass the time is doing fun things with your friends.

Just because senior year seems to be terrible does not mean you should just sulk around.

After high school, your friend group may drift apart, take the time to cherish it now.

Get involved

Go to prom.

Help with the senior skit.

Go to games.

This is our last year.

Make it count.