The presidential campaign is a big joke


Andrew Flynn

With this year’s presidential elections coming up in November, Republican and Democrats alike are vying for their party’s nomination to get a shot at becoming president of the United States.

However, most of the candidates turning out have turned this important race into a big fat joke.

The presidency is not something that should be taken lightly, yet candidates and social media have turned running for office into an absolute mockery.

Debates consist of a bunch of candidates calling each other names and attacking each other on superficial things, rather than debating their policies.

Even CNN has churned out commercials that make the debates look more like an upcoming boxing match rather than a presidential debate.

It just makes you stand back and take a look, wondering, “These people think they can lead our country? They act like kids!”

Why would anyone want a president who just attacks others on appearance? Presidents should be respectful and tackling important problems, not attacking their opponents like a bunch of school kids.

And yet the debates are treated like sporting events. It absolutely angers me to see that such an important race is treated like a joke.

But who wants a hot-headed idiot with a short temper as president?

— Andrew Flynn, junior

These debates help decide each party who will be their presidential candidate for the November elections. They help determine who is ‘fit’ to become leader of the free world.

But who wants a hot-headed idiot with a short temper as president? Their actions could spell trouble for the country if they act like they do now.

Take Donald Trump for example.

Trump makes childish statements to attack his opponents, not on their policies, but bodily functions and looks.

He degrades others based on their race and gender, not to get a point across, but because that is how he is.

If Trump were to become president, he would become more of a threat to national security than anything else. His attitude, beliefs, and policies would turn countries against the United States.

It would not be so bad if it did not seem like a large majority of U.S. citizens did not rally around him and worship everything that comes out of his mouth.

It just goes to show how blind the American people are when choosing a fit presidential candidate.

— Andrew Flynn, senior

On top of that, other Republican candidates try to join in the mud slinging to get jabs at Trump.

It absolutely scares me how people rally behind these candidates.

It just goes to show how blind the American people are when choosing a fit presidential candidate.

Either way, in the end, the American people will be disappointed by who wins the presidency, whether it be Trump, Clinton, or anyone else.

Here’s to another four years of disappointment in the White House.