What makes a person a parent?


Lauren Richardson

What is it that gives someone the title of Mom or Dad?

It is not within the ability to conceive a child that gives someone this honorable title. It is within the love and nourishment that someone gives to the tiny humans that makes them a parent, whether it be their own child or not.

The title is something that should not be taken lightly.

It may be the guidance that they bestow on those younger than them, teaching them right from wrong, and how to tackle the world they will have to face alone one day.

Or it could be the look in their eye when they continue on and on about all the accomplishments their mini-me made.

It is watching your child sit up for the first time, and then walk, hearing their first words, and then before you know it they are walking out the door for college. Being a parent is experiencing all the memories you will cherish for the rest of your life with them, from beginning to end.

It could be the time a parent puts into a child. The play dates, the running around, the protection when they are sad and the memorable conversations when they are happy.

Being a parent is knowing when your child needs you and dropping everything to be there without blinking an eye.

It is putting all their needs before your own, as if all your responsibilities are secondary to the things that absolutely have to possess.

A parent gives up their life to give their child what they never had when young. Parents work, they work long hours all day, and work hard, just to give their babies the world.

If someone is bringing a child into this world, they give them the best life possible, no matter what it takes to do so. A parent will give the shirt off his or her back to see their child happy.

To be given the title Mom or Dad, you never give up on the child. No matter how much trouble they give you, or how many times you want to pull your hair out; a parent loves that child no matter how many tantrums they face in a day.

A parent is someone who looks at their child as their world, a perfect accomplishment, instead of a burden, whether the child be planned or accidental.

It’s that adorable smile such a small human being can give you that gives you the motivation to make it through your day, knowing you are the reason they are happy.

A parent makes a beautiful creation and continues to shape them into something of perfection, until their job is done, and their child begins the process on their own young ones.

Having this kind of responsibility is not an easy thing. But the best things in life are never easy, or they would not be so rewarding.

Some people take on the role of a parent at a very young age, but it is not age that makes someone a good or bad parent, it is the credentials they hold and the support they give to their newborn that defines their parenting skills.

It is simply within the kind of love you have for a child that makes you a parent.