To Go Above & Beyond


Don’t forget to turn in your service hours!

At Kearsley High School you are required to have 6 service hours in order to graduate.

Although you are highly recommended to go above and beyond to acquire a cord when achieving 100 service hours, which can help you stand out to colleges to increase the probability of getting into the college you desire.

But, why exactly should you go above and beyond to earn service hours?

There are several reasons why high school students should do service hours.

Firstly, volunteering allows students to give back to their community and make a positive impact on those around them.

This can help to cultivate empathy and a sense of responsibility towards others.

Secondly, service hours can help students to develop important life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and communication.

These skills are highly valued by colleges and employers alike, and can also promote personal growth and self-confidence.

Finally, volunteering can provide students with valuable networking opportunities and connections that may prove valuable later in life.

Overall, service hours are an excellent way for high school students to become more engaged and active members of their communities while also building important skills and connections.

There are a variety of ways that high school students can earn service hours:

  •  Volunteering at local nonprofit organizations
  • Participating in community clean-up events
  • Tutoring other students
  •  Assisting at a senior citizen center
  •  Mentoring younger students
  •  Participating in fundraising events for charitable organizations
  •  Organizing a food or clothing drive
  •  Contributing to a community garden
  •  Joining a school service club or organization
  •  Participating in a service-oriented trip or project through a school or community program.

Service hours not only benefit the community, but they can also strengthen a student’s college and job applications by demonstrating a commitment to service and leadership.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to those in your community to get your service hours by making a difference not only in your community but the world.

So what are you going to do to do just that?