Three seniors talk about their body art

“Oh my God, is it almost over?” were my exact thoughts as I sat in the chair getting a needle profusely stabbed into my foot.

When my Uncle Jimmy died, it was like losing a brother and the distant memories soothed me, but I could not help the fact of wanting something more to remember him by, perhaps something permanent I thought. Therefore, I got a tattoo in his memory.

For months my mom and I discussed me getting a tattoo. Emphasizing the severity of the situation, my mom would say, in a stern tone, “Makalia, this is forever. Understand that?”

I understood that this was not a situation to take lightly, but I didn’t care. I was ready.

On my 16th birthday, my mom and dad surprised me with a tattoo.

Now getting this tattoo of course, the thought came to my head, “Are adults going to comment about how I’m too young?” Then I thought perhaps they would but why should I care?

I thought about all the art students place on their bodies and how we never get to know the story behind them, yet we see them all the time.

So I found three seniors at KHS who were willing to expose their tattoos to me along with telling me their stories.

Reyana Rivera, senior

Reyana Rivera is happy with all of her tattoos.
IMAGE / Reyana Rivera
Senior Reyana Rivera is happy with all of her tattoos.

What does your tattoo mean to you?

All three of my tattoos have meaning behind them. The song lyrics are by Katy Perry, which is my biggest role model.

With some of the things I’ve been through personally, her lyrics have always inspired me to never give up. The words themselves are pretty self explanatory.

With having this tattoo, I can be having a good day or bad, look at it and be reminded that things will get better.

After a hurricane, a bad time, comes a rainbow, something positive. My sun and moon mean sort of the same thing.

The sun to me is a symbol of happiness, and the moon is a symbol of sadness. Together they represent me and my life.”

Why did you get your tattoo? Please share if someone else got the same one as you.

I got them because I wanted to have a reminder every time I look at myself in the mirror to stay positive. I got them on my own so no one else has them of my knowledge.

Have you always wanted a tattoo?

Reyana Rivera's tattoo symbolizes her life and her favorite artist.
IMAGE / Reyana Rivera
Rivera’s tattoo symbolizes her life and her favorite artist.

I’ve always wanted a tattoo. I think it’s a cool way to express yourself as a person and to express yourself in your own unique way.

Was your family supportive of it?

My parents supported it because I’m of age to make my own decisions of what I want to do with my body. And they (the tattoos) have so much meaning behind them that I know I won’t regret.

At first, my dad was kind of on the edge about if I should get it or not, but after I did he loved them and realized that it was a good choice.”

 Are you planning on getting more. If so what kind, when, and where?

I do plan on getting more. I plan on getting a matching one with my mom because with growing up, (it) means that her and I will part ways and I want something that her and I can share together.

In a perfect world I’d love to get a larger piece on my other rib cage of sunflowers.

Explain your experience with tattoos, such as the pain and if it’s worth it or not.

When I got my calve tattoos, I was super afraid of what the pain was going to be because I had no idea what to expect.

But after my artist started, it wasn’t nearly as bad as what I thought it was going to be. I’d rate it a 5 out of 10.

My rib cage was actually not as bad as most people say.

It was a lot more painful than the other two but definitely bearable. I’d rate it a 7 out of 10.

I think the pain is so worth it because it’s an hour of pain for something so beautiful that will be on your body for the rest of your life.

Do you think getting tattoos at a young age is a problem? And if so why?

I could agree to disagree that tattoos at a young age are a problem just because sometimes young people get meaningless tattoos that they will get covered because they regret them.

I think a tattoo at a young age is OK if it has an actual meaning behind it.

Syerra Burene, senior

Senior Syerra Burene's tattoo means everything to her.
IMAGE / Syerra Burene
Senior Syerra Burene’s tattoo means everything to her.

What does your tattoo mean to you?

My tattoo means everything to me.

Why did you get your tattoo? Please share if someone else got the same one as you.

I got it because the saying is “Everything happens for a reason” is something I live by.

I believe that anything that happens in your life was planned for you and has a reason and a purpose whether it’s good or bad.

Have you always wanted a tattoo?

I’ve thought about getting a tattoo probably since the age of 10 and my middle name is Rose, so it had to come from something meaningful.

I knew I was going to get a tattoo as soon as I turned 18 because I think they’re awesome.

Was your family supportive of it?

My mom really had no choice but to accept it since I followed her rules by not getting one until I’m 18, but I think with time she has learned to love it and look past the fact it’s permanent.

Do you think getting tattoos at a young age is a problem? And if so why.

I feel if your tattoo means something to you no matter how old you are it shouldn’t matter. It’s your body. You’re the one who has to live with it.

Are you planning on getting more. If so what kind, when, and where?

I would 100 percent get another tattoo, and I think I’m going to continue with my arm and build up to a sleeve. All my tattoos I get will have lots of meaning to them, and for me I would rather have all my tattoos in one spot instead of all over my body.”

Explain your experience with tattoos, such as the pain and if it’s worth it or not.

I think a tattoo is very worth it. But I think you need to put a lot of time and effort into thinking about what you want to get because it does last forever.

Izabel Swayne, senior

Izabel Swayne uses tattoos and song lyrics to express herself.
IMAGE / Izabel Swayne
Izabel Swayne, senior, uses tattoos and song lyrics to express herself.

What does your tattoo mean to you?

Each tattoo of mine has meaning or a reason. It means the absolute world to me especially because I share it with my brother.

Why did you get your tattoo? Please share if someone else got the same one as you.

I decided to get my first tattoo, a matching tattoo, with my brother.

It is an oak tree. (It) symbolizes family and strength, and (it has) the words, “Our branches may go in different directions but our roots will remain as one” because our whole life we have had an unbreakable bond.

Within the next few years, this world will take us many places but remaining as one is something that will never change.

I also have a quote from a Mumford & Sons song, “Where we invest our love, we invest our life.”

I decided to get this because it explains life and my ideas of life so perfectly

Have you always wanted a tattoo?

I have always wanted tattoos. My family was very supportive. Both of my parents have many of their own.

Swayne's tattoo matches her brother who means the world to her.
IMAGE / Courtesy of Izabel Swayne
Swayne’s tattoo matches her brother’s tattoo. He means the world to her.

Are you planning on getting more. If so what kind, when, and where?

I plan on getting many more throughout my life.

When some things deserve to be documented on my body, I want to fill up the rest of my shoulders and a few other places.

Explain your experience with tattoos, such as the pain and if it’s worth it or not.

They were a little painful here and there in sensitive places near bones. But, overall, it was so worth it.

Do you think getting tattoos at a young age is a problem? And if so why?

I don’t think tattoos at a young age is a problem if it is filtered by a parent. I think your body is a canvas, and if you want to decorate it you should.