Ten helpful tips to make prom cheaper

Depending on your point of view, prom can be a once-in-a-lifetime thing or a pointless way to blow money to end your senior year with a bang.

But with prom quickly approaching, it is time to start thinking about how much money you want to spend.

For those who have decided that they want to go, you have probably noticed that between the tuxedo, corsage, dress, makeup, hair, jewelry, and nails, the expenses are adding up quickly.

Senior Diane Bond believes that prom is one of the most important dances to attend.

“Prom is different than all the dances we have experienced,” Bond said. “The location is different and it is something for just our class. It is also our last dance as seniors, which makes it special.”

As we all know, prom can be quite expensive, but there are many ways make it affordable to you and still live up to your dreams.

Here are 10 helpful tips to make prom more affordable without making it too obvious that you have made a budget cut.


Find a classic dress

Stick to a basic style or color that could be worn again to any other special event.

A classic black or nude dress will always be in style to wear, and, to

Senior Mikayla Stevens models her prom dress in front of her mirror.
IMAGE / Mikayla Stevens
Senior Mikayla Stevens models her prom dress in front of her mirror.

make the dress a little fancier, you can add some bold jewelry and glittered heels to make your own statement on prom night.

Buy a used dress 

Typically, a prom dress is still in great condition after it is worn only once.

Most girls tend to sell their dress cheaper than what they bought it for so you can get it on a discount. And, after prom night you can sell the dress to another girl to get your money back.

Exchange shoes 

Just like with a borrowed dress, you can borrow shoes from a close friend or family member that wears the same size as you.

If you are unable to find someone to borrow shoes from, you can go to inexpensive stores like Payless and Famous footwear. That way, you can find cheap, classy shoes in your price range.

Shop online

If you come across a dress that you absolutely need to have, but the price tag is too expensive to be considered, try going online.

Senior Hannah Mannor models her royal themed dress for prom.
Senior Hannah Mannor models her royal themed dress for prom.

Most times you can find a website that offers the same dress at an even cheaper price.

You could also get an opportunity to find exclusive online coupons.

Do it yourself

Let’s just say you do go all out on your jewelry, dress, and shoes. Instead of going to someone to do your own hair and makeup, you could do it yourself.

You could easily save up to $150, and, to make things more fun, invite some close friends over so you can exchange ideas on how to do your makeup yourself for prom.


Stay away from tuxedos 

Instead of wearing a tuxedo to prom, which can be quite expensive, I suggest wearing something a little more in style like dress pants or Khakis.

Buy instead of renting

If you do choose to stick to the traditional tuxedo for prom, I suggest you buy a Tuxedo instead of renting one.

You can find cheap tuxedos online at Macy’s and JCPenny. Like a dress, you could also sell the tuxedo to someone else after prom night if it is still in good condition.

No Accessories 

Stay away from extra accessories like top hats, canes, and pocket squares.

They are all just another way to spend extra money. And by the end of the night, they have a good chance of being misplaced.


If you do plan on going with a date, you have probably learned that corsages can be quite expensive. They range from $10 to $25, depending on which florist you use and what type of flowers you choose to buy.

Always make sure that you order the corsage two to four weeks before prom night, so that way you are not rushing around the day before hoping that a florist has any available.

If you want to save a lot of money, be creative and go to a store near you to choose flowers and make your own corsage.

There are many step-by-step instructions online on how to make a corsage.

Plan ahead

Planning ahead is important.

Prom night is a busy night, so planning for it gives you time to create a budget for yourself.

It also helps you keep your head on straight so you will not be so stressed during prom because everything is already planned.

Overall, simply enjoy the night. It is your last dance as seniors in high school, and it is all about a night of having fun.

Go with what makes you happy and stay beautiful and handsome.

Senior Adam Chuchuvara looks forward to prom night.

“It gives everyone a chance to dress up like princesses and princes,” Chuchuvara said. “You get to dance, eat a nice dinner, and be surrounded by friends that you grew up with. It’s the perfect way to end the night and your senior year.”