The student news site of Kearsley High School in Flint, Michigan

The Eclipse

The student news site of Kearsley High School in Flint, Michigan

The Eclipse

The student news site of Kearsley High School in Flint, Michigan

The Eclipse

Not just any hall monitor

Norma, our security guard.
IMAGE / Ruby Lopez
Norma, our security guard.

Being a hall monitor means ensuring kids get to their classes on time and keeping them on their best behavior. Norma, one of our very own hall monitors goes above and beyond that duty daily.

Norma is a kind and caring person and many kids see her as someone who “ruins their fun in the bathroom,” but once you get to know her, you can see all she’s trying to do is her job.

Her goal is to keep our school and students safe.

She says her passion is to teach kids right from wrong.

When reporters sat down and spoke with her they asked her what she wished students knew about her the most.  Norma stated, “I wish the kids understood how important it is to have an education. I don’t like when kids cuss me out or talk about me because at the end of the day, I’m still a human being and I enjoy having fun just as much as the rest.”

At the end of the day, being on time and showing up is the most important factor when it comes to success or you’ll end up just wasting time you could be out living in the real world.

Norma stated, “most students don’t realize when their parents dropped them off this morning and every morning after that, they brought them here to learn and it’s my job to make sure I do everything in my power to keep it that way.”

When working in an environment mainly surrounded by adolescents they make you want to do better.

Norma says, “I honestly have never been happier working somewhere every day, these kids challenge me. They make me feel alive.  I hope I inspire them to be better people and that they learn to grow every day because that is what they have taught me to do. I hope I can do the same for them.”

Outside the doors of Kearsley High School Norma is also a mother and grandmother, she explained that is how she learned to be so patient.

“Watching kids becomes natural when you’ve done it for years. I have kids of my own and they have kids of their own. I think that’s where I’ve learned my kindness and empathy for so many of the kids I interact with daily,” Norma expressed.

Just like any other teacher or staff member wanting the best for students, they love to see students grow, make mistakes, and learn from them because this is only high school.

Now is the time to have fun before students get into the real world, and their job is to make sure they always put their best effort into their work.

“Trying your best is way different than trying to be the best at everything you do because that’s impossible. Letting loose and not being so hard on yourself is the key to happiness. Giving your best effort is okay, even if  just waking up is the best you’ve got, and once you stop and appreciate the small wins you gain so much satisfaction in life,” stated Norma.

While speaking with Norma, reporters asked her, “what advice do you have for students?”

She replied by saying, “appreciate every day you are here and make it count. Walk the halls with pride, never feel ashamed, and don’t worry about others because one day your biggest worry won’t be about getting up for school on time. It won’t be getting caught in the bathroom or failing a test. The most important moments won’t be getting on the honor roll, it’ll be getting your dream job and starting to live your own life. Life will happen and what all seemed so difficult will just be another small event in your life, so soak in every second here at Kearsley High School.”

Norma also wanted everyone to know that she is always available to talk whether it is a simple hello or if you are having a hard time you can always count on her.

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