State Senate bills will allow concealed guns in schools


IMAGE / Mr. Brian Charles Watson via Wikimedia Commons

The Michigan state capitol.

The state Senate passed two bills on Tuesday, Oct. 13, that will allow concealed weapons in school if they become law.

The Senate Judiciary Committee approved Senate bills 442 and 561, allowing concealed pistol holders to carry a gun in school and other areas that are considered off limits to them under state law as long as they keep the gun concealed.

Current law allows CPL holders to carry guns on school property as long as the guns are carried openly.

Senior Chris Little agrees with this bill.

“The presence of a gun can frighten students, but they (guns) need to be there,” Little said. “If more people were able to carry concealed weapons in school, there would be a quicker and faster response to school shootings from within the school.”

Senior Kostantinos Zaravelis thinks that the bill is a bad idea.

“I don’t think that would be a very good idea, considering that it wouldn’t really be necessary to carry a loaded gun to school,” Zaravelis said. “If anyone knows that someone has a gun, they can steal it and kill someone.”

To read more about these bills, check out the Detroit Free Press or