Senior projects: Are they worth it?


Aysia Booth

For those of you who do not know, the senior exhibition project is a requirement for the senior English classes.

Students have to complete essays while exploring their past and future.

These essays include a research paper, an application essay, a literate-scholar essay, a complex-thinker essay, an involved-citizen essay, and the passionate-individual essay.

The research paper is used to help you research at least three careers that you are looking into.

The application essay talks about who or what impacted you as a person.

The literate-scholar essay explains a novel of your choice and how you connect with it.

For the complex thinker, you talk about a certain skill you have and how you use complex thinking to perform it.

For the involved-citizen essay, students are actually required to volunteer in the community for at least six hours.

After that, the students have to write about what they did and how the volunteer work impacted them.

The passionate individual, my favorite, showcases your favorite pastime or hobby.

All of these essays have to be talked about within your senior project, along with pictures and information about yourself.

The project has to be presented during your English class, lasting 15 to 20 minutes.

In result, it will be 30 percent of your grade.

Given that I have just finished my senior exhibition project, I think it is safe to say that it only made me emotional.

Yes, I did think more about my future and what is to come, but, in the end, I still have not come to an ultimate decision.

Like they say, life is unpredictable, and the senior project asks you to have a plan and present it as if it is set in stone.

I also believe that it has been a waste of time.

At first, the essays were useful, but when it comes to presenting, I feel it is a waste of time watching each and every classmate present for about a month.

My favorite part about the project was the introduction video I made, not even relating to my education except for a picture of my first school day.

In the end, I think a majority of the seniors can agree that the senior project, pointless and stressful, just symbolizes the end of high school.