Guns have no place in schools


Kayla Smith

Recently, Michigan legislators have voted to allow people with Concealed Pistol Licenses to carry weapons on school property as long as they are hidden.

In the past, citizens had been allowed to carry weapons on school premises only if they were out in the open and they had a CPL.

Personally, I do not see why a gun has any place in a school.

People with guns in schools have inflicted a lot of pain on students and staff members. By allowing people to carry guns on school premises, I believe that it only makes it easier for these people to go on killing sprees.

However, I do understand why the legislators voted for the law — it says in the second amendment that we have the right to bear arms.

So what I think should be done is that the state government should make a law, which prohibits the carrying of guns onto school property.

This kind of thing has precedent. In regard to the free speech, for example, people cannot shout “fire” in a theater unless it is actually true. This ensures that people are not put into danger; people could be trampled by others just trying to get out.

Guns have caused so many people so much pain, especially in connection with schools, that I do not understand why anybody would even propose a bill like that.

Under current law, people with a CPL may carry guns onto school property as long as they carry the guns out in the open. In this situation, students and staff members are aware of the possible danger.

With the new law, they could keep the guns hidden, which means that people would not know if there was a gun near them.

I would feel a lot safer knowing that people could not have guns in schools.

There is absolutely no benefit to allowing concealed weapons in schools. I hope that if this bill reaches the governor’s desk that he will reject it and it does not become an actual law.

It is dangerous enough having people carry guns out in the open without the added danger of the weapons being concealed.