Kagerer strives to impact the world positively

IMAGE / Katelyn Elembaugh

Junior Neil Kagerer always has a positive attitude.

Junior Neil Kagerer wakes up at 6 a.m. to his chalk wall covered in memories and brightly colored words that are meaningful to him.

He balances his schedule between school work and expressing himself through his creativity.

Kagerer participates in A Capella, as well as the after-school group, Melody Makers.

“I joined both groups because I love to sing,” Kagerer said. “But all of the friendships that I have made in that class are definitely a bonus.”

Kagerer is classified as a baritone and finds himself between the soprano and alto girls of the class.

“Sometimes it can be difficult to stay focused on my part alone because of the other groups around me,” Kagerer said. “Once we are able to hear how we sound all together, it makes it worth it.”

Mrs. Renee Kotzian, choir director, said it is a pleasure to have Kagerer as a part of both groups.

“Not only is he a hard worker, but he gets along well with his classmates and is always present in the after-school practices,” Kotzian said.

Choir is one of the few ways Kagerer expresses himself to his peers.

Kagerer also takes pictures and posts them onto his personal Instagram page.

Kagerer exercises his creativity through nature photography
IMAGE / Neil Kagerer
Junior Neil Kagerer exercises his creativity through nature photography.

“I love the emotion that there can be in a photo,” Kagerer said. “When I share a picture on Instagram, I usually pair it with a quote or song lyric that I think matches the feel of the picture or just the way I feel at the time.”

Junior William Spielmaker enjoys the pictures that Kagerer has shared.

“I enjoy the scenes that he posts,” Spielmaker said. “There is something about the pictures that he takes that are simply appealing to the eye. It is very easy to see that it isn’t only a talent that he possesses, but a passion as well.”

Although he is still unsure of what he wants to become, Kagerer said he has thought about going into the art field.

“I think it would be amazing to find a job in photography, or something along those lines,” Kagerer said. “At the same time, I want something practical that can provide financial stability.”

Kagerer’s twin sister, Nina, said she is positive that her brother will have no problem being successful in life.

“Neil works very hard on his schoolwork and is very serious about his grades,” Nina said. “He puts his all into whatever he is doing. There is nothing stopping him from doing what he wants to do in life.”

With the support of his friends and family, confidence comes easily to Kagerer.

“I do not feel as if anyone decides who I am as a person. Confidence can, and has, led me to true friendships, great relationships, and opportunities,” Kagerer said.

When asked if he had any advice to those who struggle with self-confidence, Kagerer was more than happy to share.

“I am a very open person, so it has always been easy for me to be as confident as I am, but for those who wish to build their confidence, I suggest doing something you love and push yourself to do things you usually wouldn’t do,” Kagerer said. “Like wearing something you wouldn’t be caught dead in or going to a party and dancing without a care.”

Kagerer mentioned wanting to leave an impact on the people he meets.

“As clichè as it sounds, I want to make a great impact. I don’t care if it’s big or small,” he said. “I want to die knowing I succeeded in helping others with whatever it is I choose to do.”

Whether he decides to become a doctor or pursue his photography dream, Kagerer will not let any obstacle keep him from leaving his print on each person he meets.