Seniors should keep up with projects


IMAGE / Makenzie Schroeder

Ms. Kari Shaw, English teacher

Seniors are beginning preparations for their senior project presentations that begin at the start of May.

Ms. Kari Shaw, English teacher, has high hopes that the senior project will help students later in life.

“We want students thinking about their future with an eye to where they have been,” Shaw said. “We ask them to research careers and education after high school. We hope to help them leave Kearsley with a good idea of where they are heading.”

Seniors work on the project throughout the school year. The project counts for 50 percent of the fourth quarter grade, and about one-fourth of class time is spent working on it.

Do all the assignments that lead up to the presentation, and practice the presentation throughout the year.

— Miss Kari Shaw, English teacher

Shaw offers tips to any senior regarding the presentation.

“Do all the assignments that lead up to the presentation,” Shaw said, “and practice the presentation throughout the year.”