Sunlight gives flowers the energy to grow in spring


IMAGE / Sydney Wharram

Lilacs can lift a person’s spirits after a long winter.

At this point in the school year, everyone is yearning for spring.

With snow or slush or brown grass as the view from the school’s windows, there is no wonder why everyone misses the flowers that spring brings.

This sense of nostalgia can also get us asking ourselves this question: Why do plants grow so rapidly in the spring?

Mrs. Leah Thomas, biology and zoology teacher, shines some light on this question.

“Sunlight is the energy needed to initially start the process to convert carbon dioxide and water into food and sugar for the plant,” Thomas said.

To dig deeper, this essentially helps the plant create ATP energy, which then starts the cycle for the creation of glucose.

IMAGE / Sydney Wharram
Chrysanthemums bloom in the garden of senior Sydney Wharram in spring of 2017.

ATP energy is the molecule that stores energy for all things that living things do.

Glucose is a sugar that can be transported around the plant and is released in respiration to give the plant energy.

Spring is an ideal time for plants that need nourishing because it provides the perfect amount of sunlight, resulting in the best growth.

This magical time of year provides lots of sunlight and energy for the plant.

“Warmer temperatures also allow enzymes to work more efficiently,” Thomas said. “But just as systems start to shut down in humans when their bodies get too hot, enzymes can denature and break down if in too hot of an environment.”

In the summer, much more sun is provided, potentially causing damage to the plants.

The high temperatures of summer cause evaporation of water that is critical to the growth of plants.

Without it, they won’t be able to make food for themselves.

We all know the saying, “April showers bring May flowers.”

As cliche as this saying may be, it isn’t wrong.

Spring is the perfect time for flowers to bloom because they are able to soak in all of the rain and moisture.

As the weather warms up, we can expect to be seeing flowers flourishing in the near future.