Senioritis is real but can be cured


IMAGE / Mr. Darrick J. Puffer

Alicia Konsez

As the school year comes to an end, senioritis spreads among the seniors. Senioritis is the one thing that teachers dread to witness among seniors.

Senioritis symptoms include:

  • Laziness
  • Lack of motivation
  • Not doing homework
  • Skipping class
  • Lack of studying
  • Wearing lazy clothing
  • Extreme procrastination
  • Frequently forgetting important due dates

Senioritis is perceived to be students not caring and overall giving up.

With only a few weeks of school left for seniors, more seniors are said to have senioritis. Even the students who are normally responsible and academically successful have fallen prey to senioritis.

It is easy for underclassmen to claim that senioritis is not real since they have not made it to their senior year.

When I was an underclassmen, I too thought that senioritis was just myth. I thought that certain students decided  to stop caring about school.  I claimed I would never get senioritis.

Soon, my senior year came around, and so did senioritis.

During senior year, students will have the urge to start slacking off.

After spring break, it seemed to be the worse for my friends and me. I normally always do my homework the night before it is due. However, as the year went by I found it more and more difficult to get myself to finish my homework.

I used to study hours on end for tests, cramming as much information as possible, causing myself to become very stressed. All I cared about was getting an A in a class. If I got anything below a B, I acted like the world was going to end.

I was so stressed for the past three years of high school that even my friends and parents were worried about me. I decided I could not take it anymore.

I realized that getting a B in a class was not the end of the world. I learned that grades do not reflect my intelligence. I can barley remember anything from some of the classes I got an A in.

Once I came to these revelations, I was told I had senioritis.

Many would say not caring about grades dropping is bad, but is it really?

Yes, students should care about their grades, but they should not let it affect their mental health.

However, senioritis is no excuse to not graduate high school.

It is manageable to graduate with senioritis. Students who have senioritis need to push themselves more than normal. They need to dig deep inside themselves to find the little grain of motivation to make it through the rest of the school year.

There are simple ways students can manage senioritis.

Senioritis will cause a lack of motivation and procrastination. The best thing a student can do is get a planner and write down all due dates for assignments. Students should try to work on their big projects and study for their tests a few days before, spreading out the work load.

Seniors need to remember that colleges can revoke their acceptance if their GPA drops, jeopardizing their futures.

Senioritis for me was realizing that school is not as important as some perceived it to be.

After years of stressing out about school, I found the stress was not worth it anymore. However, I care enough to still pass high school and to not get my college acceptance revoked.

Remember, senioritis may be real, but do not make it the reason to not graduate.