A farewell from editor in chief Connor Earegood

Senior Connor Earegood

As Mr. Darrick Puffer told last year’s seniors when you have tradition, you always have something you can fall back on.

So in a tradition set long before myself, this is my final sign-off at The Eclipse.

Boy has it been a ride.

I started writing for this site as a wide-eyed freshman itching to share his (blatantly incorrect) opinions with the world.

Leaving for the final time, I would like to impart the wisdom of four long and wonderful years on my successors.

Don’t take yourself too seriously. After all, life is an experience unlike any other.

You have one crack at life. Step up to the plate and swing for the fences.

Small ball might win a few more games, but in the end all that matters are the people you love and the memories you create.

Life’s too short to constantly play it safe.

Don’t be too shy.

Walk up to that girl you’ve had a crush on for three years. Make a new friend. Try out for the quiz bowl team.

The best friends I’ve ever made came from taking a risk and putting myself out there. Learn from my mistakes and don’t wait too long.

Control yourself.

Emotions get the best of us every day, but it’s the way we respond to and correct these behaviors that lead to maturity.

High school is awkward. Learn to go with the flow early and your time will be unlike any other.

Don’t sell yourself short.

You’re one in seven billion. It may seem cliche, but it’s a statistical fact. No one has the same exact makeup that you do.

Don’t settle. Keep pushing for your best, even if it takes years to get there.

And when you finally reach the finish line, look back on the struggles and strife with the joy of knowing you’ve grown.

Don’t stress about college.

Ultimately, you can’t control what decisions admissions officers make. Focus on doing your best every day and that’s all you can ask for.

Colleges want people, not drones. Pursue your passions while trying your best and you’ll find a college that fits you.

Find a second family. For me, that was The Eclipse.

Find the guys and girls who support you and help you improve, the eagles that Mr. Andy Nester always references.

And for the love of all things holy, treat KHS with respect.

The teachers and staff at our humble school are some of the hardest-working I’ve ever seen. Put your best foot forward and they will assist you in any way possible.

Look after K-Town while myself and the Class of 2020 are away.

And, because this sign-off would be incomplete without quoting Puffer’s everlasting maxim:

“Whatever you do, do it safely, do it legally, and stay out of trouble.”

Peace out KHS. It’s been real.

— Connor Earegood