NHS hosts annual blood drive
IMAGE / Stacia Tipton
Ashtyn Cohoon looks forward to donating blood at the National Honor Society blood drive Friday, Dec. 6.
National Honor Society will host a blood drive in the gymnasium in collaboration with the American Red Cross on Friday, Dec. 6.
Members of NHS informed students of the requirements in order to donate.
Forty-eight students plan to donate blood.
Senior Ashtyn Cohoon said there’s no reason for students to not donate.
“I mean, why not?” Cohoon said. “It’s for a good cause and it doesn’t cost anything.”
Mrs. Colleen Grathoff, NHS adviser, believes donating blood is extremely important.
“It’s so important, especially during the holidays, which is why we always host the blood drive in December,” Grathoff said. “There is always a shortage around this time of year and there are no synthetic replacements for blood yet.”
Grathoff advises donors to drink liquids and eat beforehand.
“Drinking lots of liquids before donating is imperative,” Grathoff said. “Also make sure to eat a few hours before and answer all of the questions honestly.”
This story was updated Friday, Dec. 6, at 10:55 a.m. to update information on the location of the blood drive.

Class: Senior
Hobbies: Shopping and sleeping
Future Plans: I plan to go to college to study English or education.
Favorite Book: "The Hunger...