‘One Lucky Day’ exceeds playwright’s expectations
IMAGE / Mr. Max Lupfer
“One Lucky Day” was performed by KHS alumni to support the Kearsley Christmas Charity.
KHS alumni hit the stage April 26 and 27 to perform “One Lucky Day” to benefit the Kearsley Christmas Charity.
“One Lucky Day” is a comedic piece written, produced, and directed by alumnus Chance Wikaryasz.
Wikaryasz feels the performance went well, despite the ensemble only meeting a few times to rehearse.
“The performance went well,” Wikaryasz said. “It was better than expected although the entire cast only met a grand total of eight times.
“We put all of our parts together separately and it came together smoothly. It turned out better that I ever could have imagined.”
The play raised close to $700, although Wikaryasz feels the turnout would have been greater with more advertisement from the school.
“Overall, we had a great show and raised money,” Wikaryasz said. “The cast had so much fun and so did the audience. If it was marketed and supported by the school more, we could have had a way better turnout.”

Birthday: January 3, 2001
Hobbies/Interests: Photography, writing poems, makeup, cheer, drawing, painting, and interior designing.
Favorite Quote: "I...

Birthday: July 23, 2001
Hobbies/Interests: Cheer, going on walks, and watching Netflix.
Favorite Quote: "Nothing can dim the light that shines from within."...