The attendance rule should be changed for students who need it
KHS currently has a nine absence attendance policy.
This policy states that if students go over nine absences, they either have to attend Saturday school, or are required to pass their final exam with a 77 percent or better.
If the exams are not passed with a C+ or better, they fail the class and will be required to retake it.
While nine absences may be more than enough to some, it is a policy that causes more stress than needed.
Sick days happen, and part of this policy is that if you’re absent for three or more days, with a doctor’s note, they are excused and do not count against you.
This rule stands so that students will not miss a lot of school, so that they can learn as much as possible without falling too far behind.
If students miss more than nine days, and have all A’s and B’s, then why should they have to pass the exams when they are not falling behind, especially if they have made up all of their work?
Among mental health, being sick, and insomnia, coming to school can be a constant battle.
A misinterpretation that is common among students is if their parents call to verify the absences, the absence is excused and does not count against them.
Although the absence is excused, it still does count against the student.
This policy is made to help students, but it doesn’t always do so.
Mental health is an ongoing problem among some high school students, and it is difficult for them to muster the strength to make it to school every day.
Senior Grace Stemple doesn’t feel as though the policy helps her with her battle with depression and anxiety.
“Since I have such bad anxiety and depression, the absence rule is hard for me to keep up to,” Stemple said. “My anxiety disorder gets worse around people, and sometimes it’s very hard for me to make it to school.”
While the policy is in place to keep up with state law, the punishments for going over may be too much.
Seniors cannot attend prom if they go over on absences, and underclassmen will not be able to attend the homecoming or Sadie’s dances.
Taking these high school memories away from students isn’t right for those who try to make it to school but have their own constant battle.
This policy may be fair, seeing that students are given nine days to miss every semester, which adds up to 18 absences throughout the year. But most students do miss for excusable reasons.
This policy is fair for the students who are skipping simply because they don’t want to come.
But for those students who are constantly sick, but may not miss three consecutive days in a row or can’t go to a doctor, it isn’t fair.
Something should be changed for students who have a reason to be absent for more than nine days.

Birthday: July 29, 2001
Hobbies/Interests: Running.
Favorite Quote: "Road work ahead? Uh yeah, I sure hope it does." -Drew Gooden

Birthday: Oct. 26, 2000
Hobbies/Interest: Playing electric, acoustic, and bass guitar, as well as ukulele. I also enjoy drawing, reading, writing,...