Parents should help students cope with stress

Alexis Roof

Stress is normalized in our society; it’s a natural thing that a person will face both mentally and physically.

What some parents are oblivious to is that they are the root to some of the stress that teenagers encounter.

Many parents say their actions are “out of love” or it’s “because they care.”

But do they actually understand why teenagers are under a great amount of stress?

In order to have a decent-paying job in the future, a vocational or college degree is needed.

Students feel pressure from school to attend college and spend thousands of dollars on a degree that they might not want.

School isn’t for everyone, and no one should feel like they have to attend college.

Parents need to understand the stresses students are under and ways they can help their children.

Senior Chyna Burton thinks parents don’t know the exact amount of stress inflicted on today’s teens.

“The kind of stress that our parents had growing up is different than the stress that we are facing,” Burton said. “College was just another option for them to take after high school. Now, it’s just another chapter of life we have to go through.”

Many students drop out of college within the first year because of the financial and academic struggles.

Instead of just shoving students into adult life, more parents should help students with this difficult transition.

Students are afraid of disappointing their parents if they fail, but if they establish a support system at a young age it could give students a sense of relief.

To help students, parents could try to have a better understanding of why their child is stressed.

Asking questions, talking to their child about their experiences, and offering to help are some ways that a parent can help if their child is stressed.

If their child chooses not to go down the traditional path of going to college, then they should support their decision.

Parents should also be aware of the signs that their child is at a high level of stress.

According to the American Institute of Stress, there are about 50 commons signs that someone is stressed.

Some of the signs include being withdrawn from social interactions, lack of sleep, depression, frequent sickness, headaches, and acne.

Becoming aware and trying to help a student that is stressed could alter that student’s decisions in the future.