Flat earth theory added to curriculum next year

Starting in the 2018-2019 school year, as decided by the United States Department of Education, a majority of high schools in the country are having their science curriculum changed to make room for the flat earth theory to be added to the mix.

Mrs. Leah Thomas, science teacher, points out that adding the theory will be interesting and informative to students.

“I think it’s important to be inclusive of all theories of science, even if they’ve been dismissed in the past,” Thomas said. “I think the students will find the (flat earth) theory to be very interesting.”

Science classes will now be required to teach the theory and the school will have to purchase new textbooks that are more inclusive to many other unpopular scientific theories such as hollow earth, life on Mars, and the Zoo Theory.

This change is only a small step, as the USDE plans to continue adding more to the curriculum in the next decade.

Senior Philip Stites shares his opinion on the curriculum change.

“I think it will be cool to learn about that (flat earth theory),” Stites said. “Similar to how we learn about all types of religions in history class, we can expand our knowledge of what people in the past have believed.”

There are many variations of the flat earth theory.

According to Live Science“The leading flat-earther theory holds that Earth is a disc with the Arctic Circle in the center and Antarctica, a 150-foot-tall wall of ice, around the rim,” Live Science said. “NASA employees guard this ice wall to prevent people from climbing over and falling off the disc.”

Many ancient cultures at some point, including Greece, Bronze and Iron Age civilizations, India, China, and the Americas, adopted the theory in pre-scientific societies.

Disclaimer — This story is made up and is completely fictitious. Don’t believe a word of it. April Fools!