Holidays should be a time for family, little else


Connor Earegood

The holiday season is fast approaching and many Americans will soon be rushing to the stores to take advantage of sales.

Thanksgiving and Christmas have become holidays of consumption rather than celebrating family and friends.

People rush off to shopping malls and stores rather than spending a meal or day with family members.

Some will even attend football games or will simply stay at home.

To me, this is wrong.

Family is one of the most important things in life.

Family is a rock, a support group for you to have your entire life.

Shopping at malls and avoiding family members instead of enjoying a day with your family members is not a way to celebrate the holidays.

Also, workers at malls and stores deserve to have holidays off.

They have families too, and while you shop on Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve you are keeping them from their families.

They may make more money with overtime pay, but is the money worth missing an important day of the year for their families?

Freshman Elayna Kash believes workers should not have to work on holidays.

“The whole Black Friday thing is ridiculous,” Kash said. “Workers deserve time with their families too.”

Families not being able to communicate is not an excuse either.

No family is perfect and not communicating does not help a relationship.

The best way to improve your relationship is to talk and enjoy a meal together.

You have a lot more in common with your family than just genetics.

Holidays are important times to celebrate and enjoy with family members.

Shopping should not be prioritized over family no matter the time of year.

Freshman Ethan Young believes holidays are meant for families to get together.

“Holidays are a special time of year,” Young said. “It celebrates togetherness.”

Chances to see family are also limited in the long and busy year.

Holidays give a unique chance for families to spend quality time together.

Sophomore Kay’Leigh Olmstead believes the holidays are a valuable time to see family members.

“It’s the time when families get together and celebrate each other,” Olmstead said.