An open letter: My coach made me love the game even more

Alexis Roof

Dear Coach,

I don’t know how to thank you for everything that you have done.

You have become another father figure in my life, showing me that I can get through anything that comes into my life.

Ever since the beginning, you have reminded the team that we are family. Thank you for that because without your reminders I do not think we would be as close as we are.

Even though new seasons bring different people to the team, you always treat them the same as everyone else.

Coming onto your team as a freshman, I was scared. Scared that you were going to leave me to learn by myself, but you have proved my fears wrong.

Thank you so much for being there when we all need you. I do not think that many coaches treat us the way that you do.

You always want us to be at our greatest potential in school and while we are performing. You want us to succeed in life.

I do not know how to thank you for making me the person I am today. You really do not understand the impact that you have had on my life.

You have showed me the love for the game that I play and made me realize that this is what I am meant to be doing.

When times were hard I always wanted to quit, to give up. But you made me realize that there was a reason I chose to do this.

I cannot imagine what my life would be like now if I would have quit.

I am proud to say that you are my coach and that I can look up to you and your achievements. You make me want to win more than I already do.

Thank you.