Our role models should be people who benefit the world


Hannah Coon

As teenagers we are overwhelmed by the media.

This makes it easy to look up to people whom we probably should not look up to.

Sure, Miley Cyrus stands up for what she believes in, but is she the best role model?

Kanye West surely knows how to stand up for himself, but is it always the best way to go about it?

The media constantly glorifies celebrities that do not deserve it.

Teens need to look up to people that demonstrate hard work and being kind.

Celebrities that are only concerned about what car they are going to drive this week or how much money a new album/movie will make them are not good role models.

There are a multitude of good people in this world, but it is hard to see them when we are flooded by the drama and the media.

Women like Audrey Hepburn are who teens should look up to.

Few people even know that she was a UNICEF International Goodwill Ambassador.

She considered this her greatest achievement, not the 25 movies she was in or the magazine covers she was on.

Should she be proud of all of her accomplishments? Yes, of course.

She was a phenomenal actress and a beautiful model.

And, clearly, she had a good heart too.

Now, I am not saying there are no good celebrities left. But too many of them are giving the wrong message now that they have the power.

Take Miley Cyrus for example.

Cyrus is entertaining and talented, but is she setting a good example for her younger fans?

She promotes equality among LGBT and for animals, but when someone disagrees with her views she calls them names and degrades them.

This is no way to act in the real world.

Although her view is the right one in many eyes, it is not OK for her to talk down to people who do not feel the same way she does.

Today’s youth should be aspiring to be better than some of these celebrities.

Since we were little kids we looked up to athletes.

Obviously, their talent is incredible and impressive, but what is impressive about pocketing all of your money and wasting all the influence you have?

Athletes are constantly in the news. They should be promoting good causes.

Former baseball player Derek Jeter created his own foundation to attempt to steer teens away from drugs and alcohol.

The “Turn 2 Foundation” has donated more than $10 million to healthy life programs.

Jeter should not only be looked up to for his skills on the field but also for his involvement in the community and his general kindness.

Adults constantly reprimand our generation and claim we are the problem, but the issues had to start somewhere.

For generations people have been glorified that should not be.

Stop promoting people that have too much power to not use it to benefit the world.