President Obama visits Little Miss Flint, talks water crisis
IMAGE / Vimeo
Mari Copeny is an 8-year-old girl from Flint.
She wrote to President Barack Obama about how she was affected by the Flint water crisis and how much it would mean to her if he would visit.
Sure enough, he did.
On Wednesday, May 4, Obama landed at Bishop International Airport.
When he got off the plane, he met with both Gov. Rick Snyder and Flint Mayor Karen Weaver.
The president’s first stop was to the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan.
Here, he learned about the relief efforts and exactly what was happening to help the people of Flint.
From there he traveled to Northwestern High School.
When he was on the move he was surrounded by several other vehicles for his protection.
The Secret Service and other police agencies led and trailed the president to each location.
When Obama spoke to a crowd at Northwestern High School, he made it clear that he had their backs in this disappointing time.
This was monumental for the city of Flint.
Bishop and Northwestern had people lined up trying to get a glimpse of the president or Air Force One.
Many peopleĀ applaud Copeny, who is also known as Little Miss Flint, for taking the initiative to stand up for something she believes in at such a young age and to get the president’s attention.
In addition, many people appreciated Obama’s effort and they hope it will help resolve the water crisis.

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: Student Council Vice President, National Honor Society Vice President
Hobbies/Interests: Volunteering,...