Treble Singers to carol at Crossroads


IMAGE / Hunter Johnson

Sophomore Victoria Bond(left) and senior Sydney Owens practice Christmas carols to perform at Crossroads on Dec. 5.

The Treble Singers will sing at Crossroads Village on Dec.5 at 5 p.m.

The singers have practiced traditional Christmas carols for the chapel performance.

They will also sing the carols for the holiday concerts in December.

Mrs. Renee Kotzian, choir teacher, said people should go and hear the Treble Singers.

“It will definitely put you in a holiday mood,” Kotzian said.

The Treble Singers will sing a mix of traditional carols and contemporary holiday music.

The chapel is a marvelous place to sing. The acoustics are perfect. Crossroads at Christmas is a wonderful place to be.

— Mrs. Renee Kotzian, choir teacher

“The chapel is a marvelous place to sing. The acoustics are perfect,” Kotzian said. “Crossroads at Christmas is a wonderful place to be.”