Ten things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving


Gracen Nelson

Americans love Thanksgiving. We get to see our family, watch football, and eat a delicious meal.

But we must not forget Thanksgiving is a holiday.

Everyone should be thankful for something. That’s why it is called Thanksgiving.

If you are unsure of what you are thankful for, here are 10 things most, if not all, people should be thankful for.

1. A home.

We are at our house most days, but we do not give it enough credit.

We create memories at home and grow into our homes as we grow as people.

Be thankful. Some people do not have warm homes to go to.

2. Food.

No matter if it is the dollar menu at McDonald’s or a 4 course meal, you have food to eat everyday.

Be thankful, some people can’t eat everyday.

3. Clothing.

No matter if it is Walmart or Prada, you are able to wear clothing when some people cannot.

Sure, people have clothing, but poor people can’t afford to buy new clothes often.

Be thankful that you have clothes to keep you warm and dry.

4. A job.

Most people, like myself, have a job. Some days we dread work and do not appreciate it.

But, without a job, you would not be able to pay bills or buy new things.

Be thankful that you are earning money and giving back to society.

5. Freedom and care.

In my opinion, America is one of the safest countries.

We have a military, many freedoms, and access to many resources.

Countries like North Korea are suppressed and do not have access to the resources Americans do. Countries in the Middle East seem to constantly be in a state of terror and war.

Be thankful that our country is safe, secure, and has access to a multitude of resources.

6. An education.

In America, school is free up until you graduate high school, and even when going to college, scholarships and federal aid help pay for school.

In other countries, people have to  pay for their education, and sometimes those who are poor go without an education.

In Africa, many children cannot get a decent education because paying for it is the problem.

Be thankful, education would be expensive if it was not free in our public schools.

7. Modern technology.

Many Americans own a smartphone, a smart TV, or a smart something.

They need to realize that some people cannot afford or have access to technology.

Be thankful. Technology is a luxury, not a right.

8. Friends.

They are much like family, but you choose them. You spend time with them and grow to love them.

Be thankful and don’t forget to treasure their friendship.

9. Family.

Unlike friends, you do not get to choose them. You fight with them, are mean to them, and get tired of them.

But, they are your family.

They will stick with you when friends will not, be there when you need a shoulder to cry on, and love you unconditionally.

Be thankful. Some people have lost family members or do not have any at all.

10. Life.

Stop and notice the breath you are taking right now. You are alive.

You wake up everyday while others do not.

Be thankful. Some people are terminally ill or are in fear of their lives daily.

Remember to be thankful for the little things in life.

They are easy to overlook because you see or use them daily, but without them, they would be greatly missed.

So be thankful for everything in life, no matter how insignificant something may seem.

This image is from Flickr.