I want my siblings to know these 10 things


Kate Monreal

From the day a younger sibling is born, your life will never be the same as it was before.

Why? Because of all the times you have to babysit or have them hang out in your room, or because of all the times your little sister tells you that one day she wants to be just like you.

Some of us are lucky enough to experience and be part of helping these children grow, and we forget how much they actually mean to us.

Here are 10 things that I want my younger siblings to know.

1- I always want the best for you

Whether you know it or not, I know you better than you know yourself. I know your favorite color, movie, and even your favorite food.

I want you to make choices for yourself that not only better you in the long run, I want you to keep your happiness a priority. If you so choose, you will be the best you can be and, in the end, that is all I want.

2- I’m always in your corner

There have been many times when you storm into my room and express to me all your problems and I don’t tell Mom and Dad because it is our secret.

I want you to know that I will do my best to be your therapist and guide you in the right direction because I’m always in your corner.

3- You’re not as annoying as you think

I know many times I have called you super annoying and I have told you to go away. I was probably just having a bad day or just being moody.

You’re actually not as annoying as I make you out to be, but you are the only one who I will let annoy me. Don’t worry, your spot will never be taken.

4- I’m proud of you

I’m proud to call you guys my siblings and know that you are related to me.

You guys blow me away every day and show me how you are growing and how you guys are excelling. You make me proud every day.

5- Believe in yourself

When I was younger, I always doubted myself and made myself feel like I was never good enough for anything. I want you to never feel like that.

I want you to always be confident and tell yourself that you can accomplish anything as long as you put your heart into it.

6- You’re welcome

When you were younger, I was the one who always cleaned up your toys and even went through pain because I stepped on the Legos that you missed when you dumped out your toy box.

I’m also the one that cooked for you. I made your food and you ate it, but I never got a thank you. You’re welcome, by the way.

7- You have made me a stronger individual

Just because you were younger doesn’t mean you weren’t mean, because you were. For instance, I got yelled at for looking out “your window” or not letting you play with me because you never played the game right.

You continue to teach me to not let things bother me so much and to let as much as I can go.

8- I want you to learn from my mistakes

Being the oldest means that you are the first to do everything, including getting in trouble.  I hope that since you have watched me make a few mistakes from time to time that you will be smarter than me.

9- Life is crazy, but you’ll make it through

Life, at many times, can seem overwhelming and stressful, but you will make it through it. It is OK to cry and feel like the world is falling apart around you, but you eventually need to brush it off and move on.

Everything gets better with time. I promise.

10- “I love you” is an understatement

At times, we will not all get along, but I will always love you.

Thank you for everything you have done for me and all the great times we have had together. Even if it seems like we aren’t getting along, you guys have changed my life for the better.

Being the oldest child sucks because you have to be the oldest, show an example for the younger ones, and experience everything for the first time.

The plus side is that you are given little siblings that are just like flower seeds that you help and nurture until they become beautiful flowers.

That is my favorite part of being the oldest sibling, and I can’t imagine my life being any different.

Thank you, Connor, Caleb, and Kara for changing me for the best. I appreciate you.