When looking back, saying goodbye to 2016 is easy


Andrew Flynn

2016 is over, and I think we can all agree that’s for the best.

We’ve been tossed around, thrashed about, and scared silly by the events of this year, with things that, in all honesty, sound like they belong on an episode of “The Simpsons” or “South Park.”

Things kicked off with a bang this year in January, when famous musician David Bowie and British actor Alan Rickman passed away. As the year went on, more famous celebrities began to pass on, including Prince, Gene Wilder, mother and daughter duo Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher, Fidel Castro, John Glenn, Harper Lee, Muhammad Ali, Elie Wiesel, and numerous others.

Then came the U.S. presidential election.

What felt more like a reality TV show than an election resulted in businessman and billionaire Donald Trump overtaking Hillary Clinton to be elected president of the United States, leaving many Americans stunned, and scared.

A politically inexperienced businessman, who has let a number of his businesses go bankrupt, is our next president.

In Europe, the refugee crisis continued, as refugees flooded Western Europe. The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union during a movement known as “Brexit,” short for “British exit,” back in June, shocking other members of the European Union.

In Asia, North Korea finally created a thermonuclear bomb, causing fears among U.S. and South Korean citizens.

On top of all of this, the war in Syria continued. The Islamic State group continued its terrorist attacks on innocent countries. Brussels, Belgium, fell victim to the IS group’s reign of terror in March when terrorists attacked an airport in Brussels, leaving 32 dead and 340 injured.

In the United States, a lone gunman killed 49 people and wounded several more inside the Pulse nightclub in Orlando back in June.

In December, the Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrey Karlov, was assassinated by an off-duty Turkish police officer.

It seems almost nothing was done to stop these terrorist attacks in 2016. We can only hope something changes regarding these attacks and trying to prevent them in 2017.

On the other end of the spectrum, good things also came with this year, although it was difficult to find these few.

The Americas were declared free of measles at long last.

The American teen graduation rate has been higher than any point in history, reaching 83.2 percent of all students graduating from high school in 2016, according to the U.S. Department of Education.

The tiger population rose for the first time in years, reaching around 3,890 in 2016, compared to 3,200 in 2010.

Scientists have also, once again, proven that Albert Einstein was right, when gravitational waves, or ripples in the fabric of space-time, were detected for the first time ever, a major discovery in the scientific community.

And now, we’ve reached the end of 2016. This chaotic year is finally coming to an end.

2017 is here, and if this past year is any indication for how 2017 is going to go, then there’s only one thing to say.

Buckle up folks, we’re in for one heck of a year.