Sophomore, Isabelle Devine, is a great student. Devine gets good grades and works hard for them. When she graduates highschool in two years she wants to go to college to become a physical therapist. She participates in many activities inside and outside of school.
Devine was questioned about what sports she does and why she likes them. She responded, “I play volleyball and run track. I like volleyball because it gets my adrenaline pumping and it’s competitive. I like track because I like beating my PR’s every meet, and that it is more of an individual sport.” Devine mentioned her favorite sport is track because she likes competing with herself.

Devine said, “I am more of an independent person because I try to do most things by myself and only ask for help if I really need it.” She also mentioned she thinks this is why she likes track more out of all the sports she does. She likes competing with herself and her own times.
She was questioned about what she does after school or how she spends her free time. “Everyday after school I go to the gym and during the summer I hang out with my boyfriend, go to volleyball open gyms, and summer league games,” she replied.
Devine was interested in talking about the gym and said her favorite exercise is the leg press because she wants better leg muscles. Devine loves free time and likes spending it at the gym or playing volleyball.
Devine was questioned about how she thinks her friends would describe her, she answered, “I think they would describe me as competitive, kind, and funny.” She believes having these characteristics can take her further career wise.
Devine was asked what career she wants to go into and what characteristics she has that would make her good, she answered, “I want to be a physical therapist after high school. I am a dedicated person. I want to get a doctorate in athletic training. I am also motivated to take care of people.” She was questioned about what she wanted to do when she was younger and she replied, “I wanted to be an interior designer when I was younger because I liked designing things.”

She was asked what her favorite school subject is. “My favorite subject in school is math because it is easy and because I’m good at it, but I also really like health because I like learning all the stuff I have to learn,” She commented. Health is a big part of physical therapy. She can apply the stuff she learned in health to physical therapy.
Devine works hard in school to get good grades. She said, “I go over the material for the test and memorize the most I can,” when asked how she studies for tests and quizzes. She was questioned where she gets her motivation from. She replied, “My future, I want the best for myself.”
Devine is a hard worker and strives to be the best she can. One of the last questions she was asked was where does she see herself in 10 years and she answered, “I see myself at a physical therapist office working.” Devine loves playing sports, helping others, and spending time with family and friends.