On September 11th, 2005, Alyvia Bombe was welcomed into this world by her mother Rebecca Bombe, who left the army to raise her newborn baby. Bombe was born in Watertown, New York, but at the age of 4 moved to North Carolina where she lived for 2 years. At 6 years old Bombe moved from North Carolina to Michigan where she started kindergarten at Weston Elementary, which is a part of the Kearsley Community Schools. Alyvia Bombe had many accomplishments over the years, but as she started her senior year she got more involved with the school and accomplished much more.
Bombe’s final year of high school, her senior year, which she is still finishing, was when she achieved many of her dream goals. Starting off, Bombe was asked about what sports she’s played, “I have played basketball, softball, track, and volleyball,” explained Bombe. Reporters then asked Bombe what her favorite sport she played was, “Basketball, I think I’ve just loved it for forever…and I’ve played it since youth and I just love the energy in the game and you can’t think of anything but what’s going on in that moment. I just love the pressure of it all,” Bombe expressed. Bombe is currently a senior captain and starter on the Girl’s Varsity Basketball Team.
Bombe isn’t just the leader of her basketball team, she is also the leader of K-Town, which is Kearsley’s Student Section. When asked how she became the leader of K-Town, Bombe stated, “every year it gets passed down, so I was chosen because of my energy and my outfits, and yeah Torri passed it down.” Victoria Griffith other known as Torri, was the leader of K-Town last year and she’s now graduated.
Bombe may be very involved with sports at Kearsley but she has also always been very involved with the school. Bombe was asked how she became such a big part of the school and she had a lot to tell reporters, “I honestly have no idea, I think I just wanted to make the most out of my high school experience so I joined every club, [and] I tried to talk to as many people as possible.”

Bombe’s other very important accomplishment during her senior year was becoming Homecoming queen. She was then asked about how it felt becoming Homecoming queen, “It was honestly shocking when they called my name like my first reaction was like ‘was that my name?’ It just felt like an honor because I have always wanted to be Homecoming queen. So it felt like a dream come true,” Bombe expressed.
With Bombe’s senior year halfway done, she still has one accomplishment that she feels is most important to her. So, she went on to tell reporters what it was. “I think just staying true to myself. I feel like all four years I’ve had my morals and I’ve had my vision of what I wanted to do in the future, who I want to be as a person, and I stay very true to who I want to be,” Bombe expressed.
Bombe still has many goals and plans for the rest of her life and the rest of her senior year. Bombe was asked what her goals are for the rest of the year and she stated, “to have better attendance, continue to stay kind even though it’s going to become stressful at the very end, and just be true to myself.”

Bombe then was asked if she was going to college, and she answered with her future plans, “I am not going to college, but I’m really excited about my future. I have been approved to go to Brazil for a program. I’m super excited, but I’ll be going down there and I’ll be working with the International Volunteer Headquarters and low-income community schools. So I’m currently in the process of learning Portuguese and I’m just so excited. My goal has never been college, it’s always been I want to help people. Eventually, I want to join the Peace Corps, but you need five years of experience or a bachelor’s which I don’t want to have to get. So, for the next few years I’ll just be volunteering, traveling, and working as much as I can.”
Bombe has always been very involved with the school, and now she’s going to be involved with schools all over Brazil. With all her kindness and accomplishments, it’s safe to say Alyvia Bombe is The Kearsley Hornets’ own Queen Bee!