How to drive safe in the winter
IMAGE / Flickr
This car is driving in icy conditions.
When it comes to driving in the winter, it can become dangerous.
When the snow falls and covers the roads, it becomes very icy.
As students are just getting their license, driving in the winter is a very important skill to learn.
When the roads are icy, the first factor to consider is if it is a safe choice to drive.
Secondly, if the conditions are drivable, then it is very important to drive slowly, brake sooner than normal, and have both hands on the wheel.
When it comes to a situation where you are sliding, the worse thing you could do is slam on the brakes, which is most people’s instinct, but slamming on the breaks makes you lose control, and the sliding won’t stop.
Pumping the breaks is the best way to stop while sliding.
It is always safer to drive without distractions like radio volume, noisy passengers, and a ringing phone.
Practice is a very good idea, especially as a new driver.
Practicing in neighborhoods or empty parking lots can help with an understanding of how to better control the vehicle.
Senior Melanie Conely believes that it is more difficult to drive in the Winter.
“I would have to leave around fifteen minutes earlier to get to my destination so I could drive safely. I would always slide around each turn.” said Conely.
Senior Jacob Callahan believes that driving in the winter is not too difficult with the right strategy.
“For me, as long as I drive slow I have no difficulty driving in the winter.” said Callahan.
Overall, driving in the winter is something that can be skilled through practicing or just over the years, but for most new drivers it may be scary and difficult.
I believe driving in the winter is a little stressful in some cases, but with practice and caution it can become easier and safer.