Celebrate Native American Heritage Month


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Native American Heritage Month

With Thanksgiving around the corner, November is the national month to give thanks and to celebrate the diverse cultures and traditions, as well as the contributions of Native people.

The celebration of Native-American Heritage Month is to highlight the heritage and history that are deeply embedded in America’s core.

With significant effort, “National American Indian Heritage Month” was officially recognized in November of 1990.

This original name was to showcase the misrepresentation of Indigenous people for previous decades, and finally give an opportunity to spread their culture and break down stereotypes.

National Native American Heritage Month is now a period to educate the general public of their contributions and the challenges conquered historically.

The community continues to have an important impact on present-day America and an influence on the land, history, and culture, and we should acknowledge the presence of those who came before us and the efforts they have made.

Although it is almost Thanksgiving, Native American representation should not be over looked, as Kearsley consists of Native American and Indigenous people.

“Although this month may be important to educate people, it is like any other month and any other day to me because it is celebrated and recognized every day of the year,” senior Ameirr Garner said, “It is important for more people to be educated and should have more representation everywhere and at KHS, as thanksgiving gives a false narrative of Native Americans.”

Even if only a small percentage of students at KHS are Native American, it is still an important month that all people should be educated about.

Native American Heritage should not only be uplifted in November, but acknowledged year-round.