Hornets rock out in their flannels

Juniors Katie Davidson (l to r), Allyson Link, and Alayna Roster, Mr. Chris Torok, junior Megan Timm, and senior Shelby Cranmer pose with various types of flannels on Flannel Day Thursday, Dec. 19.

Senior Madison Alpin shows off her festive side by wearing her flannel shirt Thursday, Dec. 19.

Senior Shelby Cranmer is happy to participate in spirit week by wearing a flannel shirt Thursday, Dec. 19.

Junior Megan Timm smiles as she proudly shows off her striped flannel Thursday, Dec. 19.

Mrs. Crystal Nusbaum (left) and senior Makayla Nusbaum celebrate the holiday season together Thursday, Dec. 19.
About the Contributor

Raydoffa Braziel, A&E Editor
Class: Senior
Hobbies: Running, singing, and playing video games.
Future Plans: I plan to go to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor to study...