Freshman history classes visit Holocaust memorial

IMAGE / Wikimedia Commons / Dave Parker

On Dec. 21, 2018, U.S. History classes visited the Holocaust Memorial in Farmington Hills, Mich.

Videos of Jews being tortured, beaten, and killed were so horrifying that one student had to leave the room.

Not the classroom, but an exhibit at the Holocaust Memorial Center in Farmington Hills, Mich.

Freshman Jobin Rosebrough found the tour to be an excellent insight into history.

“My favorite exhibit that was there was when we went to all the videos because although it was awful to see, it gives a better visual of how things were then,” Rosebrough said.

During this exhibit, students were taken through a room of videos displaying how the Jews were treated by the Nazis. Captions described what happened in the films.

Rosebrough and his U.S. History classmates went on a field trip Dec. 21 to the Holocaust Memorial Center because they are learning about the Holocaust in class.

During the trip the students got to learn about the history of the Jews and their hardships through the course of each exhibit and at the end even got to hear the experiences of a Holocaust survivor.

The tour included interesting exhibits, starting with the eternal flame and memorial wall.

Not all dates of Holocaust deaths are known so the flame burns eternally and the wall contains each place that had involvement of the poor treatment of Jews and how many had died.

While the students were shown the flame and memorial wall, the tour guide went over which place had the most and least lives lost.

IMAGE / Karlie Frasier
This exhibits shows images of how Jews were treated during the Holocaust.

Afterward, the students visited other exhibits in the memorial.

Freshman Trevor Newton said the boxcar exhibit caught his attention.

Students were taken through a boxcar that replicated the ones that was used for transporting the Jews.

“The boxcar exhibit was my favorite because I liked how realistic it was and how the history behind it was explained,” Newton said.

A timeline also showed the results and actions that happened during the Holocaust.

Before leaving, the students got to hear a story from a Holocaust survivor on how her life was then and how she survived.

Her speech moved students and some started to tear up.

The trip was one experience that will not be forgotten.