Smashing Pumpkins’ “Siamese Dream” is a classic ’90s album
Released in 1993, Smashing Pumpkins’ “Siamese Dream” is good enough to stand the test of time.
I was intrigued by the mellow music and emotional lyrics of this alternative rock album.
There are a total of 13 tracks on this record.
The most recognizable song on the album, and my favorite, is track No. 3, “Today.”
This song has a mellow, sad sound and the lyrics help develop the sad and lonely feeling of the song.
“Today is the greatest, day I’ve ever known,” the lyrics say.
This song is about struggle and getting through hard times.
The lyrics say, “Pink ribbon scars, that never forget. I’ve tried so hard, to cleanse these regrets.” These lyrics vividly describe self harm and the emotions that come with having a permanent reminder of a bad time in your life.
The skillful guitar and bass playing adds a melancholic feeling to the song.
Another one of my favorite songs on the album is track No. 6, “Disarm.”
This song is about child abuse. The artist Billy Corgan sings in the first person about his experience with child abuse.
“Cut that little child,” the lyrics say. This describes physical things that may have happened to him when he was child.
The next lyric expresses the confusion and frustration a child who gets abused experiences.
“What I choose is my choice, what’s a child supposed to do?” the lyrics say.
This entire album is about internal and external struggle that many people, unfortunately, have to experience.
The psychedelic music adds to the effect of sadness and alludes to bad coping mechanisms people use to deal with these types of issues.
This album may be 25 years old, but the songs are still relatable and easily recognized by many generations.

Birthday: September 12, 2000
Extracurricular activities: Theater
Hobbies: Painting, theater, and making memes.
Plans after high school: College