Pinterest stimulates students, staff to be creative

IMAGE / Stephanie Lane
Senior Madison Jordan enjoys Pinterest because it gives her gift ideas

Whether it’s a last second project, searching for a gift idea, or looking to try something new, Pinterest is a helpful tool to spark new ideas.

Pinterest was founded in 2010 by Paul Sciarra, Evan Sharp, and Ben Silberman.

The app has inspired users to bring out their inner creativity and has helped them look at projects in different perspectives.

Pinterest appeals to all different types of people since it offers a variety of categories to search under.

One of the many uses of the app is for its inspiration for do-it-yourself ideas, which range from gifts, to room decorating, and even just organization tips.

IMAGE / Stephanie Lane
Mrs. Caitlin Manson, Spanish teacher, uses the app for dinner recipes

The app comes in handy when a last-minute gift is needed or you are really just looking to create something new.

Senior Madison Jordan finds that Pinterest helps her create new projects.

“I enjoy it (Pinterest) because I can use it to find creative ideas that I can create myself,” Jordan said. “I think it’s more meaningful than just buying a gift from the store.”

Pinterest not only gives users new projects to try, it also helps with dinner recipes.

Mrs. Caitlin Manson, Spanish teacher, likes to use Pinterest when she needs help with dinner recipes.

“It’s really convenient and usually helps me find a new twist on a recipe, or sometimes a healthier aspect on something I already know how to cook,” Manson said.

IMAGE / Stephanie Lane
Junior Mallory Simms uses Pinterest for inspiration

The main idea of the app is for users to be able to get inspiration from already completed projects.

All users have to do is simply search what they are looking to create and Pinterest provides them with many ideas.

Junior Mallory Simms enjoys Pinterest because she is able to find quick and new crafts.

“I like that it gives you inspiration in different categories,” Simms said. “I’m able to get ideas for different projects ranging from room decoration to gift ideas.”