Friends should respect each other
IMAGE / Brianna Horne
Emily Rose
If you look up the definition of friendship in the dictionary you get the bland statement that friendship is the state of being friends, according to Merriam-Webster
But what does that mean? Is everyone you know your friend or do you only have a select few friends?
Students tend to be friends with people that use them, or are only “friends” with them because they’re good looking or because they have a car and will drive them to Taco Bell when they’re feeling it.
I think students have a big issue with the way they let people treat them. Being a friend to someone means you care about that person and you wouldn’t do anything to hurt that person, and they should have the same respect for you.
Your friends should want the best for you. If they don’t push you to do great things, they don’t care about you.
Also, if your friends don’t support the things you like to do, maybe you should find new friends that share common interests and will support you in life.
Friends don’t pressure you to do things you wouldn’t do by yourself.
If you feel like your friends are wanting you to do something you know you shouldn’t do and you tell them that, they should respect that. If they peer pressure their friends they’re a bad person and shouldn’t have any friends at all.
Communication between friends is important, if you don’t feel comfortable telling your friend something because they aren’t going to keep it between the two of you, they aren’t a real friend. You should be able to tell your friends things with the confidence that they’re not going to tell everyone.
Honesty is important in any relationship, if you lie to someone, how can you feel close to that person knowing you’re telling them false information?
Broken friendships can be fixed. But that takes work on both sides, which also means you have to talk about the problems going on.
Friendship shouldn’t be easy. It takes work.
When all is said and done, friendships can be rewarding relationships.
Having such great bonds with people can help you grow as an individual. Learning new communication skills and how to treat all different kinds of people will help you become a more sociable person or help you connect with people when you first meet.

Birthday: September 12, 2000
Extracurricular activities: Theater
Hobbies: Painting, theater, and making memes.
Plans after high school: College
Marion Mercier • Oct 16, 2019 at 5:54 pm
I have a friend that ever since I met her about 2 years ago she has been pushing me to do everything that she wants me to do but when it comes to things that I need to do necessary. she tries to pull me away from it to spend time with her. She tries to pull me away from my job to go places with her so she can have fun when I am struggling hard enough to make ends meet but she can’t seem to get it in her head that I cannot get behind on my priorities which is taking care of my house and paying my bills and keeping my job. She depends on me for just about everything and I have to drive clear across town to help her do things like go to a store which is right across the street from her house because she can’t walk there because her feet hurt too much she says but but when I get there she can walk all over these big department stores without a single complaint which is probably already about 10 times the distance that it took to walk from her house to the store. If I ignore her calls she comes to my door I have tried to talk to her about it it does no good. I am getting stressed out so bad that I can hardly think anymore. What do I do?