Students should always have school pride
In recent years, school spirit has declined and negativity has taken over.
Students simply don’t seem to care about what their actions and words do to others.
They don’t see the consequences of dumping their trash all over the school.
Personally, I don’t think they care, and it makes me angry.
When students are careless and dump their trash all over the school, especially in the classrooms or the hallways, it affects everyone.
Not only do we end up with bugs, we lose privileges to eat in the classrooms or in the media center.
Students who tend to be part of the problem enjoy posting on the social media websites and complaining about the mess.
Students should consider being part of the solution.
People in the school should take responsibility for their messes.
Many seem to think that since the janitors get paid to clean up their mess, students are entitled to make as many messes as they please.
However, if the janitors spend all day walking behind students cleaning up their messes that could have been prevented, they don’t have time to clean places where it is a necessity, such as the bathrooms.
You might also say that the school should hire more staff.
This is wrong. It’s not their job to babysit and clean up simple messes that shouldn’t exist in the first place.
It’s not just the carelessness of throwing their trash wherever they please. It’s the overall careless attitudes that many students have.
Some students walk down the hallway and shout offensive things and act like its not a big deal.
It is a big deal, you should care about what comes out of your mouth.
Are you going to talk at your job the way you talk walking down the hallway?
I wouldn’t if I were you.
Every morning when I come into school, I stop in the media center and usually see that all the chairs are flipped on their sides or that someone left his or her food or drink sitting on the table like someone is going to come up and clean up after them.
High school is the foundation for the rest of your life. You should take it seriously.
That means you need to take care of your school and watch the way you represent it.
Have integrity, take care of your trash, push your chairs in, and act like a decent student who is proud of their school.
There are some seniors who would like to enjoy their last year of high school without this immature behavior.

Birthday: December 28, 1999
Extracurricular activities: Work
Hobbies: Laughing, coloring, and being imperfect.
Plans after high school: Go...
Kallynda McKeown • Jan 10, 2018 at 10:03 pm
I honestly agree with this. I know what it is like having to clean up after someone else, and I feel sorry for the janitors. They deserve something for all their hard work. Teens are getting worse as the years go by. Its getting harder to get them to understand that leaving messes isn’t right, and that the staff is not their slaves. As a lot of my teachers would say, its not the staffs job to clean up the students messes. The students need to take responsibility for their actions. They also need to respect each other in the halls cause my senior year I constantly went home with a headache from people yelling in the halls. Students also need to respect those of us who are trying to learn. Not everyone wants to hear yelling everyday and the janitors are beyond tired of picking up after students.