As I’ve grown, I’ve learned some important things about life
Nobody is actually concerned with your personal life
When I was younger and somebody had found out one of my deepest darkest secrets I thought it was the end of the world.
Maybe in that moment the other person thought it was funny or interesting, but after a day or two, everyone will have forgotten all about it.
I wish I would have known that sooner. That would have saved me a lot of tears and stress.
Your outward appearance doesn’t define you
I’ve always been self-conscious about a few of my physical traits: for example my large nose and my height.
I have come to realize that if someone can only see that about me, they are not worth my time. Getting upset over petty little jokes is pointless.
Most likely, when people make a joke they don’t even realize that they’re hurting your feelings, and if they do, they are trash.
You don’t have to argue over something if you know you’re right
Being a girl, and having my own little clique growing up, I definitely had my fair share of drama.
I wish I would have known that if someone is mad at you for something you’ve “done wrong” you don’t have to argue and try to prove that you’re right. A true friend will believe you if you tell them the truth.
If someone expects you to bend over backward for them, just to be their friend, they are not worth your time.
You don’t have to be friends with someone just because you have been friends for years
Ending friendships is hard, especially when you have been friends with that person for over 10 years.
I had a hard time realizing that I didn’t have to stay friends with toxic people just because I have known them forever.
It was extremely easy to be friends with these people, because they were convenient, my parents knew and trusted them, but they weren’t treating me the way I deserved.
Ending friendships may be hard, but I wish I would have realized it isn’t impossible to make new friends, and I wish I would have known that ending those friendships would be so beneficial to my mental health.
My parents actually aren’t idiots
I always had the impression that everything my parents were telling me to do was to make me angry.
I spent so much time resenting them that I never realized how right they are about almost everything.
Mom, Dad, I’m sorry for not listening to you guys. You were right.
I wish I would have realized sooner that my parents have sacrificed so much for my brother and me because they just want the best for us.

Birthday: September 12, 2000
Extracurricular activities: Theater
Hobbies: Painting, theater, and making memes.
Plans after high school: College