Social media diminishes social skills
The creation of social media sounds good in hindsight.
Being able to share photos with friends and family, instantly sharing messages with others, and getting to see what everyone else is doing every second of their day, sounds good in theory.
But for teenagers, it doesn’t work this way.
They use social media for those things, obviously, but they also use it to verbally attack others without the physical confrontation, publicly humiliate their peers, and to fake that they have a wonderful life.
The thing about the internet is that only the things you post are the things that others see.
This makes it easy to fake what a wonderful life you have. This gives teens the sensation that they are better than others because they have a larger internet following.
Nobody can be real in person anymore. The fact that you can hide behind a screen to talk and solve your problems is an issue.
Some people literally cannot have a conversation with another human because they constantly are using the internet to communicate with others.
I agree that it is way easier to say the things you want to say through text, but it’s not real.
When you see that person the next day you don’t talk about the issue. You pretend it never happened, so talking about it changes nothing if it’s not in person.
It is too easy to use social media to hurt others. If you post something mean and nasty about another person, you don’t have to face the immediate backlash.
By the time you see that person at school or somewhere else, you have already had time to calm down, so it feels pointless to talk about it.
But the issue never gets solved. Everyone just stays hidden behind their phone screens where they don’t have to communicate in the real world.
I have found that I am way more calm and happy when I am not frequently using social media. I am not constantly worried that I am going to miss something. All of the stuff that we read or watch on the internet doesn’t benefit us in any way.
Some people can’t even imagine what it’s like to not have constant contact with their friends. They start to get fidgety if they can’t check their phones for messages.
Nobody knows how to talk about anything anymore, and it’s sad.
People hang out with friends, and all they do is sit around on their phones texting each other from across the room.
Some people can’t even have conversations with people because they are used to being able to think about what they are going to say, edit it, and then send it.
I just think that social media has hindered the social aspect of growing up.
Children these days aren’t having a similar experience to even what I had. Nobody plays outside anymore, goes for walks, or enjoys the outdoors.
The world has so much to offer, but everyone is just stuck in their phone screens.

Birthday: September 12, 2000
Extracurricular activities: Theater
Hobbies: Painting, theater, and making memes.
Plans after high school: College