Ten things I want my best friend to know
Being a teenager is hard, I can say that from experience but I wouldn’t have gotten through it without my best friend.
A best friend to me is someone who supports you no matter what and encourages you to be the best person that you can be.
Here are ten things I want him to know.
1- Thank you
There are so many reasons to thank you, so I’ll pick the most important ones. Thank you for having my back through the good and the bad and for never failing to put a smile on my face.
You will always be appreciated from the bottom of my heart.
2- I believe in you
Oftentimes, you doubt and limit yourself. But, my friend, you can accomplish anything. The sky is the limit. You can do anything that you believe in as long as you put your mind to it.
3- You’re valuable
You might just think that you’re just a teen and you can’t do anything to make a difference, but it’s the exact opposite. You are worth everything to me, and I want you to always know that.
4- Things will get better
Life is going to get crazy and, at times, it can knock you down.
I want you to know that things will always get better and things can’t be rough forever. You’re strong. You’ll make it through.
5- I will always support you
You have always had my back in the darkest times, and I will do the same for you. I’m only a call or text away, no matter what happens.
6- I look up to you
I admire the way that you handle situations, and I wish I could be more like you.
You always seem to be so calm, and you don’t let the world get the best of you.
You always seem to know what is best for me before I ever do. I can learn so much from you.
7- Do what makes you happy
Your happiness is the biggest priority, so you need to do whatever makes you happy. If you want to go butterfly hunting, you do you, boo.
8- Spending time with you means a lot
When spending time with you there is never a dull moment.
You make me laugh. Whether you’re cracking jokes or doing something silly, this is one of your specialties.
I will always treasure all the memories that we have made together because spending time with you means a lot.
9- You’re my favorite
When I say you’re my favorite, I mean you are my favorite person to hang out with.
I love doing crazy, stupid things with you, then laughing about it forever.
10- I love you
Being friends with you has always been easy, and we have clicked from day one. You are the only one who sees my point of view sometimes and gets the same sandwich from Subway.
We are so alike its crazy. I never knew what it meant to have a friend until I met you.
You will always be a huge part of me and you could never be replaced. I love you and its plain and simple.
Thank you again, best friend.

Birthday: December 28, 1999
Extracurricular activities: Work
Hobbies: Laughing, coloring, and being imperfect.
Plans after high school: Go...