Looks are subjective: Nobody can ‘be’ attractive
It has come to my attention that students in our high school think that if someone calls you attractive or unattractive that’s what you are and that’s that.
In my opinion, nobody can “be” physically attractive. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We all have different types of people that we’re attracted to, and claiming that someone “is” ugly is subjective.
Someone I am attracted to may not be the same person my best friend is attracted to. And I don’t think it’s right to like someone just because of the way they look.
Nowadays each gender has this body image that we feel that we are supposed to conform to. Those who don’t fit that image may feel like they aren’t good enough or feel like nobody will like them because they don’t look like a model.
But let’s be honest. Who actually looks like a model? A great deal of makeup and Photoshop goes into what you’re seeing. It’s so unrealistic that people are trying to look like that.
When someone says that another person is “out of their league,” I don’t get it because physical attractiveness tells you nothing about what type of person they are. And nobody is so great that you should feel like you can’t date them.
I’m sure we have all met that person that is super good looking (by body image standards that are pushed on us to be attracted to) but who has a heart of coal. They’re rude and disrespectful.
I think those traits can automatically make that person ugly in terms of them as a person, not looks.
I don’t like when a girl gets made fun of because she doesn’t have a small enough waist or a big enough behind and breasts. Each one of us humans are different in every way.
you shouldn’t be discriminated for your looks because you can’t change most of that stuff naturally. The way you look should not characterize who you can and cannot talk to.
If I am happy with my appearance, nobody should feel like they are entitled to tell me that I need to change in any way. The way I present myself is how I want to, and nobody is going to say anything that’s going to make me change that.
The moral of the story is, don’t tell people how to look.
Don’t tell someone they aren’t worthy of your attention or someone else’s attention because they aren’t “attractive” enough.
Finally, don’t make people feel excluded because they don’t look the way you think they should.

Birthday: September 12, 2000
Extracurricular activities: Theater
Hobbies: Painting, theater, and making memes.
Plans after high school: College