“Fist Fight” contains some laughs but falls flat
I enjoyed the crude humor of “Fist Fight,” which was released in mid February, but I feel like at times it fell flat when it came to advancing the plot of the movie.
The movie, directed by Richie Keen, stars Ice Cube and Charlie Day as two teachers in a rowdy high school pitted against each other in an after-school fight. Supporting actors include Tracy Morgan as a physical education teacher and Jillian Bell as a school councilor.
In the movie, English teacher Andy Campbell, played by Day, is trying to keep his students under control during the last day of school, while being subjected to the seniors’ school pranks. However, in the midst of this, he accidentally gets fierce history teacher Ron Stricklan, played by Ice Cube, fired.
Angered by this sudden turn of events, Strickland challenges Campbell to an after-school fight. The movie follows Campbell and his attempts to get out of the fight so that he can attend his daughter’s recital and avoid being beaten by Strickland, who has a rumored past of being a violent criminal.
I liked how the students and faculty at the school in the movie play up Strickland’s past to a humorous effect, disputing whether the things he supposedly did were true.
However, I feel that the movie failed when it came to advancing the plot. Campbell tries stupid ways to get out of the fight, going so far as to buying drugs off of a student to plant on Strickland so that he can get arrested.
I also didn’t like how the bulk of jokes in the movie were focused on crude, body function humor. There’s a lot more to make fun of than that in the world of comedy.
Overall, I’d give “Fist Fight” 2 1/2 out of 5 stars. It had potential, but the writing and directing made it fall flat.
“Fist Fight” is rated R for language throughout, sexual content/nudity, and drug material.

Birthday: April 8, 1999
Extracurricular activities: Robotics, quiz bowl
Hobbies: WWI, WWII, and Civil War reenacting; marching band