Class of 2017, you will be missed
Dear Seniors,
Wow, the time is finally coming. You’re going to graduate.
Walking across the stage of the Whiting and receiving your diploma seems like a far-away dream.
You’ve been waiting for this day since the moment you walked into KHS. But let’s be honest, did you ever think you’d make it to senior year? Did you ever believe you’d be graduating in a few months? Well believe it. It’s happening.
Coming in as a freshman last year, I never realized the impact the upperclassmen would have on me and my fellow classmates. I never realized that eventually you guys will be growing up, graduating, and leaving KHS.
Being a sophomore now and getting to know some members of the Class of 2017, all I can say is I wish you guys could stay longer. It’s going to be strange walking around the halls and not seeing the upperclassmen that helped me through the everyday struggle of high school.
Even if you don’t realize it, your class has made a huge impact on us underclassmen, from helping the freshmen figure out where their classes are located to giving advice about classes and everyday struggles.
Little things like that will bring on the remembrance of your class.
Personally, I love the Class of 2017. I’ve become close with many of you, and I’m really sad to see you leave. I can’t believe the final goodbye is only months away.
It’s crazy to believe it’s coming so soon.
All of your underclassmen friends will be staying here while you move on with your lives. It might not seem like a big deal right now, but your last day at KHS will make you realize this.
Sometimes you end up being reunited, but other times that doesn’t work out.
Live it up while you can. You’re going to be a high school graduate soon.
No matter how much you hate high school right now, it’s eventually going to come to an end.
Have fun for the rest of your time. You’ll be missed.

Birthday: October 7, 2000
Extracurricular activities: Student Council
Sports: K-Motion, Track and field
Interests: Netflix, Music,...