Dear Americans, we need each other
Dear Americans,
It is official. Mr. Donald Trump is the 45th president of the United States.
Some people are excited while others are fearful.
As a part of the youth, I am not too happy, but I have come to realize something about this upcoming experience.
For the past eight years, former President Barack Obama led us as a country with faith and support.
Just like every president, there were differing opinions. The way I see it, I did not always agree with what he did, but he and his family were humble and respectful.
Now we will have a president who seems to have no filter in his words. What he says can be offensive and, sometimes, scary.
I do not agree with his views and most of his policies. I am more than afraid of how the citizens of the United States will begin to act toward each other due to how our president acts toward people he does not like.
The problem is that today’s society already has people who act rude and disrespectful toward each other and who act like they would rather live in isolation than live with someone who doesn’t have the same color of skin.
When we have someone in power acting the same way, it only sets an example. An example of a rude, disrespectful person who believes they are better than everyone who is not the same as them.
The last thing we need as people is more hatred circling through our streets.
We need people to realize no matter someone’s gender, religion, race, or sexual orientation, we should respect and love each other.
As a citizen, the last thing I want is for Trump to fail as our leader. If I wished that, I would be wishing for bad things to happen to us all.
I want Trump to prove me wrong. I want to see improvements in this country. I want to see people come together and love each other.
I have no issue with admitting that I was wrong about my opinions, but I believe we deserve respect as citizens, regardless of who or what we are.
We are people. We are citizens of the United States of America, which makes us a family. A family wishes each other the best and supports each other regardless of the situation.
So America, here we go. Trump’s term has begun.
President Trump, I wish you and your family the best. We as a country are trusting you to lead us the best you can.
Americans, let us remember that no matter what party we support, we are in this together. Let’s continue to support and love each other.

Birthday: March 9, 1999
Extracurricular activities: Hanging out with friends, attending football games
Interests: Photography, music