NHS blood drive needs donors

IMAGE / Staff Photo

A Kearsley student donates during a blood drive in December 2015.

Senior Rian Schulz said there’s a way Kearsley students can feel good about giving because their selfless act can help save someone’s life.

“People should give blood because it saves lives, and nothing feels better than knowing you’re saving someone’s life,” Schulz said. “It’s the ultimate reward.”

Schulz, a National Honor Society student, is talking about the blood drive the NHS is sponsoring Friday, Dec. 9, from 8 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. through the American Red Cross.

Donors may sign up during their lunch.

To sign up, those interested in donating must be at least 17 years of age, but a student can also donate at age 16 with a parent signature giving permission.

Every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood, according to the Red Cross, and only 10 percent of the eligible population donates each year.

Junior Jayden Zajac plans on being part of the 10 percent.

She said she knows the benefits of giving blood to those who need it.

“I’m giving blood because I feel like it’s the right thing to do and it lets me know that I’m increasing someone’s chance of survival,” Zajac said. “I feel great after giving blood, knowing it’s going to a great cause.”