Give seniors a break: Why cram projects at the end?
With high school coming to an end for me, I should not have been as stressed as I was.
When I only had three days of school left, not including exams, I had been given a project worth 220 points, and I was ready to cry.
So do teachers actually believe that this work is needed, or do they just want to cram it in to keep the seniors working “hard?”
I think that there should be a cutoff for when teachers can continue giving work, especially since they need to grade the work too.
Now that I have gone through four years of stressful school work, I think it is safe to say I deserved these last few days to enjoy myself and say goodbye to my classmates.
No, this was not me being lazy or developing “senioritis,” I was only asking for a happy ending to high school.
I respect all of my teachers for the opportunities they have given me. But I had a lack of sleep due to this stress, and they were only making me more ready to be out of school.
And, no, it was not because I did not manage myself. It was because I was not taking just one class. There were five other classes.
So, all I ask is for a little sympathy and consideration for seniors in the future.
After all, when I was a high school student, I had a life just like the teachers.

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: Volunteering, National Honor Society, robotics
Sports: Tennis
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, spending time...