High school advice from a soon-to-be alumna
To whomever it may concern:
I have been told that these four years will have been some of the best times of my life.
My time is running out quickly, but for those of you who still have time left or are even beginning these best times of your life, I have some secrets to let you in on.
- Because these are some of the best times of your life, this also means that they will seem like some of the worst. It will get tough — really, really tough. You already knew that, but that is life, so accept it. Sometimes you have to put away the books for an hour, drink some tea, stare at the ceiling, cuddle your pets, watch contour videos, go outside, and then finish your homework.
- There will be many days where you want to just quit. Oh, let me tell you that there will be a lot of this. You will not want to get up out of bed some days. Do not call in sick and do not drop out. You can do this. You can survive this year just like all of the others. I believe in you.
- Enjoy learning new things. Knowledge will always be in style. Knowledge is power.
- High school is a lot of people, which translates to a lot of opinions. Do not pay attention to others. You are here for you. Nobody really pays attention to others anyway. Trust me.
- Always be nice. I cannot stress this one enough. Be nice to teachers and take a few minutes to help fellow students. Kindness makes life so much easier.
- Ask ask ask. Ask things. Ask the most stupid questions and ask the hardest. Act ignorant to everything even if you think you know it all. Just ask anything you want to know. Students laugh at you? Ignore them. Teachers grow irritated with you? Ignore them also. You need to pass that class. You need that diploma.
- If you dread mornings and find it hard to get out of bed, make your lunch the night before. Breakfast helps you start the day and avoids awkward stomach growling in classes. If you do not have time to eat at home, make something to eat in class.
- Go to bed early. A good night’s rest is absolutely everything. It will make you not-so-morning people feel better.
- Carry a bottle of water with you, always. No reason why, just do it. Stay hydrated.
- Finally, take a deep breath. It is all going to be OK. Take a step back and look at the situation with a clear view. Realize how far you have come. Be proud of yourself. Celebrate small and big victories. Aced your exam? Celebrate. No missing assignments? Celebrate. Passed by one percent in calculus? Celebrate. You are doing OK.
About the Writer

Nadia Koontz, Reporter
Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: Student Council, DECA, robotics
Sports: Tennis
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, writing
Plans after High...